What Clients Are Saying

T. D.
It has allowed me to become less anxious and less inhibited when working. I am enjoying moment more and worrying less about how/if I am going to get there.
Coaching affirmed for me that with practice, preparation, and commitment I can succeed. My limitations have inherent strengths which can play a part in my success.

S. A.
We have much work ahead of us, but I feel that we all much better equipped to handle the challenge. I am sure that I can speak for the others that we deeply appreciate your commitment and professionalism.
It is such a fantastic feeling that we are now working together as a team!

W. D.
Senior Auditor
When I first started I was very frustrated, unhappy, and bitter. Now it takes me a lot longer to get frustrated as I no longer let issues build , I am happier because when I do incur stressful events I know how to leave them behind and I am no longer bitter as I have learned how to communicate things that frustrate me without getting upset.
The greatest change has been with my family life. I play with my kids more, I no longer take out the bad days on them, I do not shout at my kids anymore because I have learned other ways to address discipline issues. My wife is happier because I no longer snap at her.
Thanks for everything.

M. K.

W. J.
Senior Information Management Analyst
I was confident and only turned to look at my slides for the two pictures, which were very well received. I’ve had a great deal of very positive feedback.
I can’t thank you enough for your guidance and coaching. I couldn’t have done so well without you.
Look forward to our next session.
About the Coach
Certified Professional Coach and Mediator
Brenda Kelleher-Flight
As a Certified Professional Coach, Brenda helps individuals and teams
- Align their actions with their desired outcomes,
- Master the skills necessary to plan for, achieve and measure their desired results, and
- Achieve the working climate or life they desire.
As well as being a Qualified Mediator and a Master Business Coach, Brenda holds a Ph.D. in Governance. She works with all types of boards and their CEOs to build strong productive teams, use time efficiently and effectively, and plan ensuring the results desired are achieved.